Compute! Gazette 1990 December
text fitter
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Commodore BASIC
58 lines
10 rem copyright 1990, compute publications int'l, ltd. all rights reserved
20 poke55,192:poke56,91
30 ifa=0thena=1:load"fitter.ml",8,1
40 sys49252:rem init
50 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
60 print"[147][154]text fitter - mark text limit lines[159]"
70 print"select cursor: [r]=red [g]=green"
80 print"move selected cursor with [crsr] keys"
90 print"[m]=mark line between cursors"
100 print"[u]=unmark line"
110 print"[clr]=remove all lines"
120 print"[_]=return to this screen"
130 print"[155]press [t] at this screen to begin"
140 print"placing text. [153]press any other key to"
150 print"continue marking lines."
160 getk$:ifk$=""then160
170 ifk$="t"then200
180 sys50450:rem markl
190 goto160
200 print"[147][154]text fitter - place text[159]"
210 print"insert disk and enter filename"
220 print"(press [return] alone to go back.)"
230 sf$="":inputsf$:ifsf$=""then60
240 print"enter filename for leftover text"
250 print"(press [return] alone for no file.)"
260 lf$="":inputlf$
270 open2,8,2,"0:"+sf$+",s,r"
280 print"[147][154]text fitter - place text[159]"
290 print"move cursor with [crsr] keys"
300 print"[t]=fill with text at cursor location"
310 print"[_]=return to this screen."
320 print"[155]press [s] at this screen to save or"
330 print"print the page, [f] to start a new"
340 print"source file. [153]press any other key to"
350 print"continue placing text."
360 getk$:ifk$=""then360
370 ifk$="s"ork$="f"then420
380 sys50683:ifpeek(49249)=0then360:rem marktx, savest
390 close2:print"[147]end of ";sf$:print"press any key"
400 getk$:ifk$=""then400
410 goto200
420 iflf$<>""thenopen3,8,3,"0:"+lf$+",s,w":sys51153:close3:rem lftovr
430 close2
440 ifk$="f"then200
450 print"[147][154]text fitter - save/print[159]"
460 print"[d]=save to disk."
470 print"[p]=print (be sure printer is ready)."
480 print"[x]=exit."
490 getk$:ifk$<>"d"then530
500 input"filename";sf$
510 open2,8,2,"0:"+sf$+",s,w"
520 sys51098:close2:goto450:rem outpge
530 ifk$<>"p"then560
540 rem poke51133,13:rem to add return to each line
550 open2,4,7:sys51098:print#2:close2:goto450:rem outpge
560 ifk$<>"x"then490
570 end